
An Introduction to Beekeeping

Our two-day weekend course is one of the most comprehensive beginners’ beekeeping courses available on the market today. Covering  bee disease and pests, husbandry skills, siting  of apiaries, in addition, to keeping bees in urban environments, components and the different types of the hives, making frames, various pieces of different beekeeping equipment, through hands on practical sessions, and In addition, PowerPoint lectures, which will include the  inspection of several nearby sets of hives, providing the weather is permitting.

Comprehensive Beginners Beekeeping Course Tuition.

This intensive course weekend, is based on the ‘Introduction to Beekeeping’ syllabus, from the British Beekeepers Association, but is designed with a specific focus on keeping bees within an urban city environment. It is designed to ensure attendees are equipped with the basic skills and knowledge that they will need to keep their own bees productively and safely.


All attendees will get membership for the year of Kent Beekeepers Association, KBKA (Bromley Branch), in addition to  annual membership of the British Beekeeping Association  Should you prefer, we are able to facilitate contact with other branches of KBKA, all over the county, so you can join a branch close to home.
You can check out the local branches on the KBKA website, by Clicking Here.

In addition, those who may wish to eventually keep bees of their own will be allocated to an experienced mentor for a whole bee season. This is a unique and important service, which will help to prepare you to start keeping your own bees.

Moreover, we can also join you to the BBKA and London Beekeepers Association, should you prefer. Additionally, As the LBKA is separate to Kent, of which we are members, we can only facilitate your membership to them. Once you are a member, you will be able to attend their regular meetings and meet other association members.

However, other than facilitating your membership, and providing you their website details so you can attend their meetings etc, we are unable to provide more information about them, other than they are an excellent association, and this is the exact same weekend course as they run.

Details Will Be Forwarded With Your Reception Package.

Full Course Information HERE!

Paul Vagg is a multi award winning apiculturist, Author and Speaker, and, additionally, recently featured on ‘The Farmers Country Showdown’ for the BBC.
Subsequently, He is the only person to date, to have been awarded the prestigious ‘London Beekeeper Of The Year’ trophy twice in its history. Furthermore, he is a former committee member of the LBKA.

He is a best selling author of both The Honey Bees Reward and in addition, Cooking With Honey, and a regular speaker at The National Honey Show, the UK’s most prestigious Apiculturist event.