


Api-Bioxal is a licensed oxalic product. It can be distributed via trickling and vaporising. Packs come in 35g, enough to treat 10 hives, if trickling. Do not treat hives whilst supers are on, if you are removing the honey for consumption. Oxalic acid ages honey, so it cannot be sold commercially.

Simply dissolve in syrup and trickle 5ml on to seams of bees between frames.  4.2% solution.

Also suitable for use in vaporisers.

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Api-Bioxal is a licensed oxalic product. It can be distributed via trickling and vaporising. Packs come in 35g, enough to treat 10 hives, if trickling. Do not treat hives whilst supers are on, if you are removing the honey for consumption. Oxalic acid ages honey, so it cannot be sold commercially.

Simply dissolve in syrup and trickle 5ml on to seams of bees between frames.  4.2% solution.

Also suitable for use in vaporisers.


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